Women's Assault Prevention Seminar
Saturday, January 2
2 to 5 p.m.
Integrated Fitness will be hosting a Women's Assault Prevention Seminar taught by Never Surrender Self Defense owner Mike Austin, a retired decorated police officer and nationally recognized assault prevention expert.
Mike Austin
It is estimated that 33 percent of women will be assaulted by age 24, and the majority of them will know and trust their attacker. Women’s assault prevention is a lot more than just learning how to hit or kick. It’s about learning how predators think and how to identify dangerous situations before they become violent. This seminar will include a presentation discussing the dangers that young women face, as well as hands on self defense training taught by retired and decorated police officer, and nationally recognized assault prevention expert, Mike Austin.
This seminar is ideal for women in high school and college.
$75.00 per person
To register,
contact Mike at 215-378-3929 or mike@neversurrenderselfdefense.com